Projects and Interests
Things I like:
- Network programming and back-end development in Go
- Challenge sets and security CTFs: Cryptopals, Protohackers, Hanukkah of Data, etc
- Writing about things I like
- Bulleted lists
Collaborative research
In my free time, I like to work on small digital tools for folks doing on open-source intelligence in various human rights spaces.
Some highlights:
- I contributed a dataset to EFF’s Atlas of Surveillance (in addition to supporting its infrastructure.)
- I wrangled data for EFF’s research into South Carolina’s inhumane punishments for inmates accessing social media.
- I made a web scraper for a common jail docket provider, JailTracker, to help gather data on incarceration in Mississippi.
- I made a small Chrome extension for extracting video metadata from TikTok pages for social media verification research.
- I also enjoy playing Quiztime and Geoguessr, but I’m pretty casual about it.
I’m passionate about skillsharing, so I’ve built a habit of creating and leading workshops for colleagues and community members.
- I’ve developed and lead a variety of internal workshops for EFF’s technology operations team.
- I’ve led trainings with community wireless networks focused on basic networking configuration, hardware mounting, terminating Ethernet cables, etc.
- I taught a few Python classes at Noisebridge, circa 2017.
- During grad school, I created and led workshops for fellow grad students focused on professional best practices for auditable and reproducible research.
- These focused on git/Github, R, Python, Jupyter and RMarkdown, data wrangling, etc.
- You can see a few examples here.